Sunday, 2 February 2014

Pop Punk Quotes

The punk movement has been around for decades, influencing generations and setting trends for both art and fashion.
— Harriet Coombs

If an 11-year-old girl gets into Green Day, the door opens to this whole counterculture that’s just beneath the surface. It’s like Pandora’s box and a million great ideas come flying out. You think there’s only one side to culture and then you find all this great stuff underneath, offering questions and solutions. That’s the power of it. Even when people misuse punk, maybe 10% ind out what it really is.
— John Robb, The Guardian, speaks out about punk culture and what lies beneath the media’s representation.

Punk’s become synonymous with politics. Like the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - she dresses like a punk and she’s fighting the establishment in an underground way. That’s the image that a lot of people have.
— Andy Radwan

Punk to me means living by your own politics and doing things in your own terms. The term is used very liberally, maybe too much, but I think it all boils down to that one universal idea.
— Louise Distras

Mainstream culture tends to eat everything up but I think punk still has the connotations of something subversive. [Punk] is a refusal to accept that this is the way it’s going to be.
— Steve Maclean

It’s the practice of getting out and publishing your own stuff, making small communities. People really can make a huge difference in music and the shared communities that come out of it.
— Mike Sabbagh
Harriet Coombs

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